Tech Talk Blog

To keep pace with the rapidly advancing technology and innovation in the market, test instrument manufacturers must continuously innovate their platforms to enable thorough testing of new […]

Suppose your responsibility is testing electric vehicle (EV) batteries. In that case, you are contending with increasing production volumes to address market growth and higher kilowatt-hour capacity […]

June 14, 2024 | Topics: Battery Test, EV Battery, Sustainable Energy

As the demand for reliable and efficient battery technologies grows, so does the need for advanced battery simulation tools to test and simulate those batteries. A battery […]

June 03, 2024 | Topics: Bidirectional Power Supplies

One fuel cell type at the cornerstone of modern clean energy solutions is hydrogen fuel cells. They convert chemical energy from fuels into electrical energy through electrochemical […]

June 01, 2024 | Topics: Electronic Loads, Fuel Cell

Autoranging digital multimeters are electronic tools used to measure a variety of electrical parameters, including voltage, current, resistance, ohms, power rating, and more. As the name suggests, […]

May 10, 2024 | Topics: Autoranging

Whether you are a seasoned engineer or are relatively new to electronic testing, it’s vital that you have the right equipment at your disposal. One of the […]

May 01, 2024 | Topics: Function Generator

How can we test battery-powered electronics? If we test with a battery or a battery pack, we are working with a voltage source that does not have […]

When purchasing a power supply, especially a programmable DC power supply, it is critical to understand and consider the power supply’s various features and specifications. DC programmable […]

Batteries are evolving as quickly as technology is evolving. From mobile devices like smartphones and laptops to electric vehicles (EVs) and e-scooters, batteries must meet the ever-growing […]

February 21, 2024 | Topics: Battery Test, EV Battery, Power Supplies

Measurement accuracy is an essential specification for all manufacturing test systems. The accuracy specification is a function of all the instruments in the system and the system’s […]

January 19, 2024 | Topics: Electronic Loads, Power Supplies, Remote Sensing

In the realm of high-power systems, where innovation drives progress, transitioning from design to manufacturing is a critical challenge for test engineers. The complexity of applications, such […]

December 07, 2023 | Topics: Bidirectional Power Supplies, Equipment

Battery technology continues to evolve, providing powerful energy solutions for various applications, from portable electronics to electric vehicles. However, ensuring the reliability and safety of batteries through […]

November 10, 2023 | Topics: Battery Test, EV Battery

In a recent State of Industry survey conducted by EA Elektro-Automatik, electronic engineers revealed intriguing trends in the world of power supply and testing. This comprehensive survey […]

Connecting a DC power supply to a load may seem clear-cut, but it can become challenging in certain situations. While power supply manufacturers design their products to […]

Avionics electronics, automotive electronics and other power electronics circuitry require accurate calibration of sensing circuits. For example, inaccurate calibration of an automotive battery monitoring circuit could either […]

August 21, 2023 | Topics: Power Supplies, Remote Sensing

Programmable DC power supplies have long been instrumental in power electronics and battery testing. These supplies are extensively used for performance testing and product characterizations. However, a […]

August 08, 2023 | Topics: Electronic Loads, Energy Recovery

Thorough testing with appropriate test tolerances to endure product reliability and maximizing test speed to reduce test costs are always the primary goals for manufacturing test engineers. […]

June 16, 2023 | Topics: Battery Test, Sustainable Energy

How Autoranging Saves Capital Costs and Rack Space (and How True Autoranging Saves Even More!) You need a high-capacity power supply. Should it be a conventional power […]

Electrolysis is a term that describes the process of an electric current passing through a substance to facilitate a chemical change. Electrolysis — most commonly hydrogen electrolysis […]

April 13, 2023 | Topics: Fuel Cell, Power Supplies, Sustainable Energy

So, your assignment is to design a new high-power automated test equipment (ATE) system for a new product. Your challenge is to design a test system with […]

According to Market Watch, electric vehicle (EV) sales in the United States have exploded, with roughly 1.6 million EVs sold last year alone. That figure represents a […]

February 27, 2023 | Topics: Battery Test, EV Battery, Sustainable Energy

How EA Elektro-Automatik supports the future of hydrogen-fueled airplanes with electric propulsion systems An exciting aspect of engineering is being part of a transformation in how people […]

February 10, 2023 | Topics: Battery Test, Fuel Cell, Sustainable Energy

Direct current (DC) is a unidirectional electric current, which means the flow of charge always occurs in the same direction. Conversely, alternating current (AC) changes the direction […]

January 26, 2023 | Topics: Power Supplies

Efforts to reduce the rate of climate change have resulted in advances in non-fossil fuel, renewable energy solutions and an accelerating rate of electrification in the transportation […]

December 13, 2022 | Topics: EV Battery, Power Supplies, Sustainable Energy

So your test system requires an electronic load? While you are the expert on your product testing requirements and test methods, it has probably been a while […]

November 10, 2022 | Topics: Electronic Loads

What will the future look like as we all work to transition to a sustainable energy future? Increasingly, it’s likely to become a DC-driven energy world, and […]

September 21, 2022 | Topics: Company

Do you need a high-power system for testing or performing burn-in on solar panel arrays, electric vehicle batteries, fuel cells systems or other products that require high […]

September 14, 2022 | Topics: Equipment

The advancements in power supply technologies represent a big step forward for sustainability and flexibility. In this landscape, bidirectional power supplies are real game-changers, merging traditional power […]

June 27, 2022 | Topics: Bidirectional Power Supplies

Function generators and power supplies are two of the most crucial tools in your toolkit. Either piece of test equipment can support a wide range of projects […]

May 03, 2022 | Topics: Battery Test, Function Generator

What’s an AC Input? An AC input, short for Alternating Current input, is a vital component of a DC power supply system. Unlike Direct Current (DC), which […]

August 02, 2021 | Topics: Electronic Loads

It’s no secret that there are more electric vehicles (EVs) on the road today than ever. Since 2015, the number of electric vehicles worldwide has grown from […]

No es ningún secreto que hoy en día circulan más vehículos eléctricos que nunca por nuestras carreteras. Desde 2015, el número de vehículos eléctricos en todo el […]

July 06, 2021 | Topics: Uncategorized

The problem is that different benchtop power supplies offer unique levels of functionality. With that in mind, you should look beyond your current needs and find a […]

June 29, 2021 | Topics: Fuel Cell, Function Generator, Power Supplies

Many test applications require systems that both provide power and consume power. One of the most common applications for this type of functionality is battery testing. When […]

April 14, 2021 | Topics: Bidirectional Power Supplies, Energy Recovery

Electronic loads are versatile instruments that are used in a wide variety of applications, but their operation is often misunderstood. Below are some of the most frequently-asked […]

April 14, 2021 | Topics: Electronic Loads

As the semiconductor industry begins to heat up in 2021, at least according to Semiconductor Industry Association’s optimistic forecasts device demand, test engineers are going to need […]

April 14, 2021 | Topics: Bidirectional Power Supplies

In order to keep up with advanced battery technology, manufacturers and users need battery test systems that are flexible and responsive. Perhaps the most important feature of […]

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