Terms and Conditions

To view Terms and Conditions for Sale for EA North America, please click the link below:

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The Company does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any information provided by the “EA Elektro-Automatik AI Answerbot” tool available on this website. The Company expressly disclaims all liability for any errors or omissions in the information generated by the “EA Elektro-Automatik AI Answerbot” tool. Do not rely on information provided by the “EA Elektro-Automatik AI Answerbot” tool. Users rely on the “EA Elektro-Automatik AI Answerbot” tool’s responses at their own risk. The Company expressly disclaims and shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages including but not limited to damages from lost profits, lost revenues, reputational injury and/or economic loss (nor will the Company be liable for any special or punitive damages) arising from or in connection with your use of the “EA Elektro-Automatik AI Answerbot” tool. Information provided by the ““EA Elektro-Automatik AI Answerbot” tool does not reflect the Company’s official policy or position and should not be considered as such. Do not share any confidential, personal, private, or personally identifiable information with the “EA Elektro-Automatik AI Answerbot” tool. If you have questions or concerns about the “EA Elektro-Automatik AI Answerbot” tool, please contact the Company by phone at 858-836-1300 and/or by email at ea1974@elektroautomatik.com.

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The technical accuracy of answers provided here by our AI Chatbot tool need to be confirmed with a member of the EA Elektro-Automatik staff.